We can’t say for sure which Cities and Counties will choose to BAN Marijuana Growing.
All we can say for certain is that Prop. 205 explicitly gives Cities and Counties the power to BAN Marijuana Growing if they want to.
However, we can say that NUMEROUS Cities and Counties in Arizona have already chosen to BAN MEDICAL Marijuana Patient growing, despite the fact that the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act does NOT allow them to ban Patient growing..
After the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act was implemented in 2011, we attended virtually every single City Council meeting throughout the State whenever a Medical Marijuana issue was being discussed. We quickly learned that most Arizona City Councils weren’t afraid to admit that they HATE Marijuana and Marijuana Cultivation!
Sadly, many of the Arizona Cities and Counties already have a long list of reasons why they consider Personal Marijuana growing to be a “Nuisance.”
Unfortunately, these City Councils would not actually be required to prove in Court that Marijuana growing ACTUALLY causes a real “Nuisance” in order for them to pass an Ordinance to BAN Marijuana Growing in their City.
A City or County Ordinance to BAN Marijuana Growing would only need to be passed by a majority vote of the HANDFUL of City or County Council-members!