Recently, Jason Medar of AZFMR’s “Marijuana Consumers Against FAKE Marijuana Legalization” Campaign filed EIGHT (8) arguments AGAINST the MPP’s Arizona Marijuana Initiative in the Arizona 2016 “Publicity Pamphlet.” (Also known as the “Arizona General Election Guide.“)
The Arizona 2016 “Publicity Pamphlet” contains information about each Proposition on the ballot, including the actual language of the measure followed by arguments FOR and AGAINST the measure.
A paper copy of the Arizona 2016 “Publicity Pamphlet” is mailed to ALL of the 3,353,309 Registered Voters in Arizona and it can also be obtained by calling the Arizona Secretary of State’s office! (This year, the arguments from the “Publicity Pamphlet” are also posted ONLINE at the Arizona Secretary of State’s website.)
In the Arizona 2016 “Publicity Pamphlet”, there are ONLY a total of 8 “PRO” Arguments filed in support of the MPP’s Arizona Marijuana Initiative.. Of those 8 “PRO” arguments, 4 of those arguments were sponsored by MPP’s own Arizona Marijuana Campaign!!!
In that same 2016 “Publicity Pamphlet”, there are a total of 46 “CON” arguments filed AGAINST MPP’s Arizona Marijuana Initiative. Of those 46 “CON” arguments, 8 of the arguments were sponsored by our AZFMR “Marijuana Consumers Against FAKE Marijuana Legalization” Campaign.
Many people, including the media and our supporters, have asked us:
“Why did you feel the need to file 8 Arguments AGAINST the MPP’s Arizona Marijuana Initiative?”
The short answer is;
Each argument is limited to only 300 words and MPP’s Arizona Marijuana Initiative is so BAD, that we couldn’t possibly describe how HARMFUL it is using only 300 words!
We want Arizona Voters to understand EXACTLY why so many of Arizona’s Marijuana Activists and Marijuana Consumers do NOT support MPP’s 2016 Arizona Marijuana Initiative!
If you’d like to find out more, please take a look at our Full Explanation to find out why we believe Arizona’s Marijuana Initiative does MORE HARM THAN GOOD!
(If you’re in a hurry, you can check out our Summarized Explanation instead!)
Of course, if you’d like to read the actual arguments that were filed in the Arizona 2016 “Publicity Pamphlet“, you can read the “PRO” arguments here and the “CON” arguments here.
Or, you can always wait for a paper copy of your “Publicity Pamphlet” to arrive in the mail!
MAINE vote NO on 1!