If a person grows Marijuana Plants at a residence where the Landlord has BANNED Marijuana Growing, Prop. 205 explicitly makes that a CLASS 1 MISDEMEANOR instead of just making it a violation of the Lease agreement!
Prop. 205 only allows adults to grow 6 Marijuana plants as long as they follow the Marijuana law and any of the other Marijuana regulations. If an adult breaks the law while growing Marijuana, it reverts back to the old FELONY Penalties for growing Marijuana.
Prop. 205 specifically allows Landlords to BAN Marijuana Growing. So if an Adult were to grow Marijuana Plants in a residence where the Landlord has BANNED growing, they would no longer be growing the Marijuana Plants “In compliance with Prop. 205.”
Therefore, a person who grows 6 Marijuana Plants in a residence where the Landlord has BANNED Marijuana Growing, could actually be charged with BOTH a Class 1 Misdemeanor for “Growing Marijuana in a Prohibited Location” AND a Class 4 FELONY for “Illegal Cultivation of Marijuana.”